You Are What You Think

I am sure you have heard the sayings: you are what you think, you are what you say, you are what you do, and finally, you are what you attract and become.

Let’s imagine: you get up in the morning, and say to yourself: “It’s going to be a wonderful day!” and your positive thoughts with affirmation will make your day wonderful. On the other hand, if you get up with negative thoughts, chances are that you will have a bad day.

I agree, it is not easy to always think positively, but to be positive, you have to work very hard. I believe your positive thoughts and actions are directly connected with people and your environment.

  • If you see your friends affect you negatively, stay away from them. It is not easy to find new positive minded friends, but you should make an effort to find such people.
  • Your environment includes your job, and the city you live in. It is difficult to change these two overnight, but if your job gives you negative vibes, perhaps it is time to look for a new job.

I too have held a corporate job involving the regular never-ending 40 hours per week. Today, I work more than 50 hours per week in my own business, and yet I feel I should give more. I enjoy both the people I work with and the environment I am immersed in.

After being with this wonderful Network Marketing industry for over fifteen years, I have learned that you are bound to be positive when you work with positive people in a positive environment. Life is what you make of it: if you want happiness in your life, you need to work on your thoughts. Only you alone can be positive and create positivity around you!



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